Ok, so tomorrow is the 1st of February and I am just now posting Christmas pictures. I think by now all of you know that this blogging thing is difficult for me to get into so I am not going to appologize anymore. However, I do want to share I just wish you all were a little closer so we could see each other in person. Alas this cannot be, so I will have to suck it up and do my best.
Christmas was fun this year! We spent it at home with our little family (plus Tony's sister Cristina, and our friend RJ).

This is on Christmas Eve. We let each of the kids open one gift. (Steven still sleeps with his bear.)

Madison made sure we put out milk and cookies for Santa. Unfortunately we didn't have any carrots for the reindeer. Sorry Blitzen!

Christmas Morning! Bring on the presents! (notice in the background; Santa was in a hurry and accidently knocked over the glass in his rush to get to the next house.)

May I just say that those feathers are all over my house! I hear I have Uncle Andy to thank for that one. *wink*

Steven's first gun and cowboy hat! The west is safe again!

Madison got this stroller for her many babies; she was so excited! But, as you can see from the picture below, Steven took over while she was busy with other things. He wanted to push it around for the rest of the day. Sorry Dad!

Aren't those stockings awesome! Thanks Grandma Cindy! Also, notice Steven's shirt (got SPAM?). Dad got that for him at the SPAM museum; along with one for me that says "I love SPAM". Too cute!

The kids were so excited to open all their gifts and were kept busy while mom cooked dinner. We had our ward missionaries over for a traditional Christmas ham dinner. After 8 years of marriage I am happy to say that I was finally able to cook a big Christmas dinner. Afterward we worked off some of those yummy calories by engaging in a rousing game of Scattegories. Much fun was had by all! We are truly blessed to be surrounded by those we love and to feel the far reaching love of those not with us.
1 comment:
Looks like you and yours had a blast for Christmas. Wish you were closer so we could get together but glad you finally posted so we could see what you're up to. If you send me your address I'll mail you a Christmas card ;) Miss you much, keep in touch!
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