We spent the 4th of July at Aunt Shirley and Uncle Mike's house along with all the neighbors. Every year the surrounding neighbors go to Indiana (fireworks are illegal in Illinois... I'm talking the only things that are technically legal are snakes and smoke bombs. LAME!) and buy thousands of dollars worth of fireworks. We only saw one cop the whole night and he didn't do anything. I guess they only stop you if someone complains. Luckily we didn't have any scrooges around us. We got there around 4pm and started grilling around 6:30pm. Just as a side note for those of you not from around here, the Midwest must hold stock in grills. I don't know a single person who does not own one and use it on a regular basis. (Yes, even in the winter. They're crazy!)

Steven trying his first piece of watermelon.

Madison loves it too! (they are my little fruit bats)

Independence day gear.

Notice Steven's curling iron burn is healing nicely. Looks like he won't have proof of his war wound for long.

Getting sunblock to go outside.
(he's only smiling because I haven't started rubbing it in yet.)

Hanging out on the front porch.
(Uncle Mike middle, Tony back left, Cousin Stephanie right)

Got her in mid-kick. You go girl!
Daddies are always good for a little tickle torture.
My turn!

Taking a ride in the tractor trailer. (also a Midwest thing)
Madison left, Nicky right
Steven left, JJ right
Steven with Donna. (babysitter, aka mommy #2)

Madison was not feeling well. (literally 20 seconds after I took this picture she threw up all over herself and the blanket. Yuck!)
10:30pm, poor little guy is pooped. If not for all the excitement of the fireworks he probably would have been asleep by now. He loved the fireworks and would laugh and clap for every one.
Poor Madison fell asleep about 9pm. She had a hard time really enjoying herself.
All in all it was a good day and with all the neighborhood fireworks we didn't even miss seeing the city ones. I hope you all enjoyed your Independence Day! God bless America!
Those kids of yours sure are cute. I so wish I could see them. I hope the Dr. is right and Madison feels better soon and stops the throwing up. She doesn't need any weight loss. Please tell her I love her!!
Hey Gnat, Is Madison doing any better? She's been sick in both of the blogs you've posted.... your kids are so cute! I can't believe how fast they grow!
Wow, look how cute the kids are! I can't believe how big they are. You need to hurry and get yourself out to the northwest! I hope Madison feels better soon!
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