This is Madison telling Auntie Cristina all about how she was sick. We were planning on going to the zoo over the weekend but Madison woke up early (4am) Saturday morning with a very disgusting poopy pull-up. I will spare you the details. She was sick all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Pretty much the only thing I could get her to eat was Cheerios and water. Even that she couldn't keep down. She finally slept through the night Monday night, but I wanted to make sure she could keep food down so she stayed home with Dad on Tuesday. Even though she was feeling better, she said she didn't want to go back to Donna's (daycare lady).

So Daddy took her to the zoo since she was so upset about not being able to go on Saturday. They had lots of fun and Madison was even able to buy herself a new silly elephant hat. What a great ending to a crumby weekend!
Oh thanks girl for remembering us. I love to keep in touch with old friends. Yours kids are getting so big.
Hope all is going well for you!
poor thing. I am glad that she is feeling better. Its no fun for the child or the parents. But there is nothing like a good trip to the zoo to pick spirits up.
Love Love Love talking with my little Madison! I miss you guys so darn much. Joseph is freakin out at how big Steven is getting! HURRY and move! :)
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